What Time is it?
There are various ways of keeping time. Here are three. The first is called “World Time.” For many years this has been the way that the world set its clocks. The time on earth was determined by the relationship between the earth and the sun, and man was able to measure time based on the movement of the stars. A second method to keep time arrived in 1972 ... read all »
A Very Edifying Seminar
I hope you had a chance to attend last weekend’s seminar. If you think this was “just another seminar,” it means that you were not there. Not only does Kim Wall, our speaker, have a talent for making his presentation interesting, he also uses an easy to understand approach that enables everyone to grasp the complex subject he’s talking about. ... read all »
Several Advantages
We attend Sunday and Wednesday Bible studies but don’t always realize all the advantages we have in these. Here are several advantages that these studies afford us. A better understanding of the Word. This permits us to make better and wiser decisions when, as Christians, we are faced with difficult decisions in our every day lives. The opportunity t... read all »
10 Kinds of Men God Looks For
A man who puts God’s things before anything else. A man who brings his children to church instead of sending them to church. A man who is ready to be an example to all those he meets. 4. A man who thinks more about being in Bible class on Sunday than sleeping in on Sunday. A man who gives what he has set aside for the Lord first and lives on the r... read all »
How to Become a Son of Satan
In John 8:31-47 Jesus teaches that in Satan’s domain there are slaves and there are sons. How then can a slave become a son of the devil? Here are 12 ways one can become a child of the devil: Learn to become deaf to God’s calling. Quiet every reproach of your own conscience. Choke down every desire for a higher or more noble life. Cul... read all »