Blessing or Bait?
Author Robert Morely says that the main rule for catching bass is letting the fish run with the bait. You want to make sure that the fish feels no resistance so it will think it has the worm with “no strings” attached. The bass will be lulled into a false sense of confidence so he can feel safe enough to swallow the entire bait – hook and all. Once t... read all »
Jesus Doesn’t Do Funerals
Have you ever noticed that Jesus spoiled every funeral He attended? Whenever Jesus was at a funeral, the person they were mourning came back from the dead. Luke tells of a woman who was about to bury her only son when Jesus felt compassion for her and brought the man back from death (Luke 7:11-17). In the book of Matthew (9:18) Jesus comforts the man who has lost his... read all »
My Election Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you and thank you for the blessing of living in a nation that is so prosperous and at relative peace with its neighbors and itself. It is a testimony to your greatness that such a large population can live so freely and comfortably in your care and though there are problems and inequalities that remain, they are easily traced to our fai... read all »
What More Do You Want?
I never do enough. I mean that as a parent or husband or minister, I never do everything that needs to be done or ought to be done. Even though the basics get covered and I manage to get enough done to raise my children to reasonable adulthood and my wife seems happy to be married to me, and the sermons get the end of the day I am painfully aware that I ... read all »
40 Days of Prayer with Jesus
Part of today’s bulletin includes a list of 40 scripture references that deal with Jesus’ prayer life. From the mention of the type of prayer life He would have (Ps. 2:7-9) to His role as our intercessor with the Father (Heb. 7:25). Jesus was a man whose life was filled with prayer. On Friday, October 24th we will begin our Prayer & Fasting day. A 24 ... read all »