A Preacher’s Visit
A certain church member who regularly attended worship suddenly ceased to come to church. After several weeks of his absence, the preacher decided to visit him. Upon entering his home, the minister found the man sitting alone in front of his fireplace. Not sure of what the minister was about to say, the man invited him to sit next to him in front of the fire and the ... read all »
Who influences your life?
Imagine for a moment your life as a circle. At the center of this circle, there is a throne. On the throne is sitting the most influential person in your life. Who is sitting on this throne? Some put their enemies on this throne. These people allow their enemies to consume their life. Hatred for their enemies controls their thoughts, actions and attitudes. Some place... read all »
He loves us! He speaks to us!
In 1 second, light travels 3 million kilometers. It needs 8 minutes to come to us from the sun; 3½ years from the closest star; 1.5 million years from the Andromeda Galaxy. Our head spins from all of this! Looking to infinity, what is human existence? Does the Architect of the universe consider our little problems? Does He answer our prayers? Does He interact ... read all »
The Importance of a Good Meal
After worship this morning, we are sitting down to a meal. A family meal. There are plenty of wonderful smells emanating from the kitchen, and the tastes that follow are just as pleasing (I’ll pass on the brussel sprouts, though). When you stop to think about all that is happening at a church potluck, however, it’s quite astounding: People are talki... read all »
An Honest Conversation
I am typically not a person of many words or much conversation. I’m often quiet. And, while there are times where silence with others is quite fine – perhaps even good – I realize there are times where it is better to talk, to contribute, or to even have conflict with words. This is something I’m working towards. However, my tendency to keep q... read all »